When displaying a ticket to a driver, a key part of the ticket view is displaying the zone that the ticket is applicable to. In some cases, it can mean the difference between being able to board a specific bus or travelling to a specific location.

To update or add a new Ticket Coverage area, head to the Tickets tile in Passenger Cloud and press 'Ticket coverages' in the left-hand menu.

From here you can edit current coverages or create a new one. You can also delete Coverages as long as no tickets are using them.

Changing colours

When editing a Coverage you can also change the background and text colour. These are provided in a hex format (#FFFFFF for example). If you leave either of these colours blank, then the ticket will ignore them and display your default theme colours.

When selecting colours, choose colours that have a high contrast and are easy to read by your drivers.

Adding coverage to a ticket

Once a zone has been created, you can select it when creating or editing a ticket in the Tickets section of Passenger Cloud.

Coverage Areas

A coverage area can be drawn to represent the geographical area that a ticket is valid for. 

Once drawn, this area can be altered any number of times. The map can be made fullscreen (icon on the right), and can be zoomed in and out (icons on the left) for precision when setting an area. Along with standard coverage zone shapes, you can also ‘cut out’ portions of any area you have drawn when configuring a Ticket Coverage in Passenger Cloud. This enables more precise and complex area maps, which are useful for operators with concentric coverage zones and tickets that can only be used in the outer zones within that network. You can also define multiple areas on the same map when configuring a Ticket Coverage in Passenger Cloud. This helps operators correctly define coverages when a ticket’s coverage does not apply to a single area. 

Please note that you will not need to manually draw maps for Ticket Coverages that apply to specific services. Operator apps and websites will display coverage maps showing the associated lines based on network data.