Journey sequence numbers in TransXChange (TXC) data allow operators control over timetable column sorting (without affecting rows). This ensures that timetables are displayed to customers as intended. 

Previewing these timetables with applied sequence numbers will allow you to check the effects of any change before requesting that your Customer Success Manager (CSM) apply it to your live timetables.

This feature can be found in the timetable preview page in Passenger Cloud.  Above the timetable you will see a ‘More options…’ dropdown menu.

Select the dropdown menu and you’ll see the preview options:

The (Default) label indicates which option is currently applied to your live website and app timetables.  If you do not already have journey sequence numbers applied, this will be ‘Time (Default)’.  

You can choose to preview how the timetable will look using your journey sequence numbers by changing the selection to ‘TXC sequence numbers’ and clicking ‘Update’.  This will refresh the contents of the timetable and re-order the preview by the sequence numbers present in your TXC data. This step only affects the preview, and only if sequence numbers exist in your TXC file.

When you are satisfied with how the timetables look using your journey sequence numbers, you can ask your CSM to apply the journey sequence number ordering to your apps and websites.  If you have any issues with the data, they will be able to provide guidance and assistance before displaying any information for your customers.