Go to the Network → Journey cancellations section of Passenger Cloud.

1. Select “Cancel a journey” 

 2. Select a date and service then click “Find Journeys” 

3. Select the journeys to cancel 

All journeys (inbound and outbound) for the selected service and date will be displayed.

To aid with finding the journeys to cancel quickly, you can; 

  • Use the search bar to narrow your search e.g. outbound or 8:25 or by start stop and end stop.
  • Use table headers to sort your search results e.g. by Direction, start time, start stop and end stop.

Once you have selected the journeys to cancel (individually or via “Select all journeys”), you have 2 options: 

  1. Click “Cancel the whole journey” - this will fully cancel all the selected journeys.
  2. Click “Cancel part of the journey” - this will present a new page where you can select the stops within the selected journey(s) to cancel.

Whether or not these cancellations are shown on the Departure Boards is dependent on your chosen operator settings. You can configure these journey cancellation settings in Passenger Cloud by navigating to Network, Journey Cancellations, and then selecting the Settings option from the left-hand menu. There are three possible options:

1. Departure board will omit cancelled journeys

2. Departure board will show cancelled journeys

3. Departure board will show cancelled journeys unless there is a duplicate service arriving within "x" minutes.

Option 1 is the default option, where cancelled journeys will not be displayed on departure boards. 

Selecting Option 2 will mean that cancelled journeys will always be displayed on departure boards.

With Option 3, you can show that a journey is cancelled except when it is followed by the same service within "X" minutes, in which case it will not be displayed. You can set "X" to any minute value you think is most suitable. With this option, operators can ensure their customers see cancellations in specific situations, but not in others. For example:

  • If it’s the last journey of the day the cancellation will display
  • If it’s an infrequent service and the following service is more than "x" minutes away, then the cancellation will display
  • If multiple consecutive journeys are cancelled, and the next possible service is more than "x" minutes away, then the cancellation will display
  • If it’s a line with a high frequency and the following service is less than x" minutes away, then the cancellation will not display because the customer can catch the next bus promptly

A service is considered to be a duplicate if it has the same direction, line, and destination as another. By including the destination, the departure board will continue to be explicit about cancelled journeys that may impact customers in cases where a line runs short. Where cancellations are taken from SIRI-SM data, these settings will still apply so that the behaviour is consistent.

Creating partial journey cancellations

When partially cancelling a single journey, you are presented with the list of stops and visit times for that journey to cancel:

When partially cancelling multiple journeys, you are presented with a list of stops per journey pattern: 

This view can become more complex depending on the amount and similarity of the journeys selected. Please note that the Journey planner does not take partial journey cancellations into account when creating journey plans for passengers.

Continue to the next article on Managing Journey Cancellations: Cancelled Journeys & Changing Datasets.