There are two main ways an image is used on the web on bus operator websites.

  • To add marketing and emotional impact to a feature (eg on the homepage)
  • To add visual clarification to an article (eg as part of a news article)

Using images to market a feature

Using an image to give a feature extra visual impact is part and parcel of the web. Having delightful, engaging images to draw the user’s eye and illustrate a topic can be useful and beneficial to your marketing efforts.

An image used as part of a feature must avoid putting text or essential information as part of the image.

These images are usually presented in a 2:1 ratio.

Using images as part of articles

Images are used all over the web as part of articles to add imagery and visual context to a story. You can and should use imagery to bring your articles to life.

You are able to add images to Articles and Pages to add context and great visual aids to convey a story or information.

An image used as part of content must avoid putting text or essential information as part of the image.